When we step outside our addictions to our life scripts
and observe our actions, thoughts and feelings
without judgement or attachment
and make choices from this place
that fully support our health and wellbeing
then we are truly 'eating consciously'.

- Jacqui Brooks

Wednesday 8 October 2008

The Path of Least Resistance

The difference between where a path goes and where it takes you is simply your responses to the challenges you face on the way.

Do you find yourself resisting the truth of what is right now? (your current health, body shape, eating habits, lifestyle)

Do you yearn for what can never be? (a genetically different body shape, more hours in the day, a metabolism that allows you to eat 10,000 calories, not exercise and not gain weight)

Do you find yourself responding to these and your daily stresses and emotions through food, drink, self defamation?

Do you enthusiastically start new diets only to discover a month or two down the line that not only have you given up but you've gained more weight again?

If so Then you may be ready to take the path of least resistance.


Taking the Path of Least Resistance in relation to your health, body and relationship with food is about Accepting the truth about who and where you are right now, raising your Awareness about your habits and the underlying triggers that keep you from maintaining a healthy relationship with food, and then taking Action in manageable steps to reach your goals. These are the guiding principles of The Conscious Eating coaching program, to join a telecourse or arrange for your own individual personalised sessions e-mail me.

Coaching Question
So if you were to take the path of least resistance in relation to your health, body or relationship with food, what three things would you need to do differently?

E-mail me your answers and receive your FREE Conscious Eating Introductory Pack.

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