When we step outside our addictions to our life scripts
and observe our actions, thoughts and feelings
without judgement or attachment
and make choices from this place
that fully support our health and wellbeing
then we are truly 'eating consciously'.

- Jacqui Brooks

Monday 5 January 2009

Does This Resonate With You?

How many people do you know strip off, remove jewellery and even use the bathroom before jumping on the scales...just to ensure it reads less!
Well, it may come as a surprise... or not... to learn that the only person you are deceiving is yourself!
In case you still haven't 'got it' - it's fat, body fat that contributes to you being overweight or unhealthy and body fat is not contained in your clothes, earings or bath towel!

So if you truly want to lose weight - i.e. FAT then throw away the scales and begin listening to your body, really listening and then acting upon what you hear.

Then and only then will you find the energy and freedom to make the best choices for your health and wellbeing forever!

Five Tips on Listening to Your Body
  1. Practice being 'present' especially at meal times - what i mean by this is being mindful and doing nothing else at the time but noticing your thoughts and feelings.
  2. Make use of your under used senses, especially taste - when did you last notice the textures of your food and the different flavours. Does food have a sound?
  3. Learn to recognise when your body is hungry and distinguish between hunger and thirst. To do this - when you think you're hungry have a glass of water first.
  4. Slow down whilst eating so that you can recognise when your body is full - and pause and think before taking another helping and ask yourself why you want it?
  5. Keep a journal to record your findings and explore what you heard when you listened to your body and what action you will take from that.

1 comment:

market value from ASP & Rekan said...

visiting fist... nice article.. permit the second to droping, smile 4u http://cynthiabs.blogspot.com/