When we step outside our addictions to our life scripts
and observe our actions, thoughts and feelings
without judgement or attachment
and make choices from this place
that fully support our health and wellbeing
then we are truly 'eating consciously'.

- Jacqui Brooks

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Getting Back on Track with your Weight Loss Goals

4 week Telecourse Begining Monday april 27th 11am EST (4pm GMT)
Cost $59 or £39

For more information or to register e-mail info@consciouseatingcoach.com
...And you're finding it hard to get back on track,

Don't despair or give up!
There's no time limit by which to have to get eating healthy, although the sooner you begin the better you will feel.

Take the next step in your self care and commitment to healthy eating &/or weight loss and join me for a 4 week Conscious Eating Telecourse focussing on re-creating & re-commiting to your goals.

And with the support of the Conscious Eating Coach and other women like you, set your intention for what you want your relationship with food to be like and commit to small, fun, achievable goals without deprivation.

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