Until I moved to the mountains is Spain I wasn't at all aware of the seasons of food or what that might in fact mean for me.
Now, seeing fruit and veg grow and buying from local farmers - this has become all very clear. For example, the oranges have now stopped, the trees are bare of fruit but loaded with blossom for the next crop next winter.
- Why is it that nature brings us oranges is winter?
- If they only grow in winter then where do the big supermarkets get supplies from the rest of the year?
- How 'fresh' can they then be?
- How many thousands of miles have they had to travel and in what conditions?
These are the kinds of questions that i'm now asking myself when I go to the grocers.
Nature knows, and if we follow her example and eat foods that are in season then surely we will be giving our bodies the best and most necessary nutrients for the time of year, whilst also contributing to care of the planet by reducing the need for produce to be shipped across the globe.
How conscious are you of the seasons of your food?
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