My body at last, I claim you!
I live here!
I am not some discarnate spirit using just any vehicle to get around….
for so many years I rejected my body because it isn’t perfect
according to the standards of my culture.
I have been unfaithful to it, letting other’s opinions turn me against it,
allowing others to use it without love, without tenderness…
Because I myself rejected my body I didn’t protect it,
didn’t demand that it be treated like the precious gift that it is…
My body, the temple of my soul deserves better from me.
I reclaim this body…
This body is a miracle; it is the first gift of the Creator to me – my birthday present.
I take this body to have and to hold, in sickness and in health,
to honour, love and cherish until death do us part.
I am a woman reclaiming my body”
- Janet F- Quinn
To fully reclaim our body and free us up to make more conscious and healthy choices in relation to how we treat it, we need to understand our thoughts and how they relate to our relationship with food.
What I’m talking about here is not just what we put into are bodies but why?
What is the thought or belief that leads us to treat our bodies the way we do or don’t do?
And what feelings and behaviours are triggered by these thoughts?
Awareness of this will not only support your choices but also aid motivation and persistence to achieve your goals.
So here's a journal question - What do you need to change, do differently, give up, or introduce to 'reclaim your body'?
To discuss this more and find out how the Conscious Eating Coach can support you further e-mail