Like this one in the picture it has three compartments and I have alfalfa, mung and lentils growing. Within 2 days they are already sprouting and in a day or two more will be ready to eat. As I started this it reminded me of my first ever attempt at seed growing, way back in junior school when we grew mustard and cress - the emphasis then was in the biology of growing rather than the nutritional value of eating, nevertheless I remember feeling quite proud of my 'crop' and happily ate them all.
Do you know that sprouted beans are just packed with vitamins and minerals?
And what a fun way to get the kids on board in growing and eating their own - you don't need some fancy gadget like this, a simple jam jar will do. All you have to do is make sure you rinse and drain them every day and store them in a light warm place. It's as easy as that.
Why not get your kids on board sprouting and eating today!
1 comment:
my kids grew up on sprouts i would make in the kitchen sink..and they would love them sometimes and hate them other times. Now they are both grown up and love to eat them and i have to beleive it is because we just served them and had them at our table.
often times i remember saying: just eat 7 sprouts..that would make them laugh
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